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Change of name

I have decided to change my rabbitry name from my initials BLF to Gold Creek Rabbitry .
Gold Creek is a small picturesque creek that flows through our rural farming area.The area consists of approx. 30 sq. km's , stretching over 4 concessions- also includes Gold Creek road- and Gold Creek Community club formed by local farm families  approx. 100 years ago that still exists and meets once a year at Christmas time . Our farm is located in the middle of this area and has existed as long as the club. I would like to carry on the heritage of the name- and believing this will be the first rabbitry ever in the area I decided to adopt the name Gold Creek for mine. 
Thanks to everyone who changed their links pages on their web sights for me. Sorry for the inconvenience.You can always reach me at betty.fletcher@gmail.com-or betty@goldcreekrabbitry.com- also a new email address will soon appear on my contact page were you can also reach me. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year ( year of the rabbit) and look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone regularly. Betty - www.goldcreekrabbitry.com