News at Gold Creek Rabbitry
Finally new litters
Finally new litters in the nest box !!! 3 different litters- fostered so as to rebred 2 does.
Change in policy
As of 2019 I have decide to limit sales of stock . The tri variety seems to have regressed as to the standard in the past year or so .the pet sales of the tri variety seems to have increased -because of the beauty of the variety many folk desire to own and breed them as the interest and willingness of people to pay $$$ to own some .Some breeder selling and taking preorders of just kindled and or 2 week old and under 8 week old kits. Gold Creek wishes not to have its prefix on pet quality tri so therefore will be limiting stock sales - only on occasion selling to only quality serious breeders.
proud of this little tri doe winning the Reserve at the Royal Winter fair Toronto Canada